Pisa 2012 headlines from around the world

The release of the Pisa 2012 rankings produced a flood of headlines around the world, many of them noting what was seen as bad news (except in many parts of Asia). Below, we provide a list of headlines from around the world that we put together based on a quick, unsystematic scan of mostly English-language publications:


Australia, News.com.au

PISA report finds Australian teenagers education worse than 10 years ago
“AUSTRALIAN teenagers’ reading and maths skills have fallen so far in a decade that nearly half lack basic maths skills and a third are practically illiterate.”

China, China Daily

Asia tops OECD’s latest education survey

“Asia outperformed the rest of the world in the latest Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey published on Tuesday by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).”

Hong Kong, South China Morning Post

Shanghai teens still world’s best at reading, maths, science in Pisa survey

“Mainland city’s 15-year-olds the best at reading, maths and science, global survey finds, but HK youngsters are snapping at their heels.”

Japan, The Japan Times

Nation’s kids top fields in PISA test

“For the first time ever, Japanese 15-year-olds topped the list in reading and science performance in an international academic survey last year covering 34 developed countries, according to data released Tuesday by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.”

South Korea, The Korea Herald

Korea tops OECD in math proficiency

“The performance of Korean students proves the country’s established education system and also strong zeal for education, according to the Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation.”

Malaysia, malay mail

PISA: Malaysia up in maths, down in science and reading

Malaysian students scored higher in mathematics but registered declines in both reading ability and science, according to the latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey released today.

New ZealandNew Zealand Herald

Significant drops in NZ educational achievement – OECD report

“New Zealand educational achievement has dropped significantly in the core subjects of science, maths and reading, according to a OECD report.”

Singapore, Channel NewsAsia

S’pore edges up in PISA rankings as weaker students improve

“An international study of 15-year-olds’ mathematics, science and reading skills shows Singapore has made progress when it comes to helping weaker students level up to their peers.”



Finland, Yle.fi

Finnish pupils’ PISA results decline

“As expected, Finland has dropped in the OECD’s comparison of test results from 15-year-old pupils in 65 countries and regions. It placed 12th in mathematics, which was the main theme this year. However Finland ranked best in Europe in the other two categories: reading and science.”

France, Rfi.fr

French falling behind in maths says Pisa global education survey

“A global education survey released today showed that France has dropped to an average position in international maths tests and needs to improve educational results for immigrants and the poor.”

Germany, The Local

Germans improve Pisa education results

“German schoolchildren are improving in international comparisons, inching up the Pisa scale but still remain behind not only education giants such as Singapore and Hong Kong, but also Switzerland and the Netherlands.”

Liechtenstein, The Telegraph

OECD education report: Liechtenstein uses tiny classes and a specially-tailored maths programme to beat the competition

“With teachers on up to 130,000 euros per year, classrooms rarely over 15 pupils, and lucrative banking, hi-tech or industry jobs up for grabs, motivation is high”

Norway, The Nordic Page

Norway Left Behind Denmark and Finland in New PISA Survey

“Norwegian students have demonstrated the worst performance in math and science since 2009, but they are better in reading, shows OECD’s PISA survey.”

Spain, El País

No improvement in math, but Spanish students edge up in reading and science

“OECD’s latest Pisa global education survey places Spain slightly below average”

UK, The Guardian

UK students stuck in educational doldrums, OECD study finds

Influential Pisa report says Britain’s mid-table position is virtually unchanged from 2009 as attainment gap persists”


North & South America

Argentina, Infobae (via Google Translate)

Argentina deepens the decline in its educational quality

the international survey ranked “the country 59th among 65 nations. Seven out of 10 young people got the lowest grade in math.”

Brazil, Jornal do Brasil (via Google Translate)

Despite advances in education, Brazil occupies the lowest position Pisa

“Brazil is still in the lower levels of the ranking. Among the 65 countries compared, Brazil ranked 58th. However, since 2003, Brazil has the biggest gains in performance in mathematics, out of the 356 points that year and reaching 391 points in 2012, according to data released on Tuesday.”

Canada, The Globe and Mail

Canada’s fall in math-education ranking sets off alarm bells

“Canada has dropped out of the top 10 in international math education standings, a decline that is raising alarms about the country’s future prosperity.”

Chile, La Tercera (via Google Translate)

Chile rose two points in math, but their results stagnate

“The country scored 423 points, while the OECD countries averaged 71 more. School of Shanghai achieved 613 points. Since 2006, Chile has increased every year 1.9 results in Mathematics. Since 2000, the rise in Reading has been three points.”

United States, This Week in Education

Vietnam wins! (Pisa 2013)

(Alexander Russo’s roundup of headlines and stories about PISA 2013 from around the US)

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