2012 Pisa Creative Problem Solving exam in headlines from around the world

Screen Shot 2014-04-04 at 11.41.50 AMIn a response similar to what we have seen with the release of other global rankings of testing results, the  2012 Pisa Creative Problem Solving rankings prompted a wide-ranging media response around the world.  As you will see in the quick collection of headlines we have gathered here,  the news is interpreted as good, bad, and for some, a call to action – particularly for those countries that interpret their low scores as being related to the fact that this Pisa exam was computer-based. In recognition of the fact that this collection is from mostly English-language publications, we invite you to share other articles on this topic in the comment section below.

Canada, The Vancouver Sun

B.C. students among best in world at problem solving but ‘work’ remains

“When it comes to problem solving, B.C. students are the best in the country and seventh in the world, the latest international assessment scores show. But Canada has fallen out of the top-10 math scores on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Programme for International Student Assessment — or PISA — from 2012.”

Finland, The Helsinki Times & yle.fi

Young Finns are persistent problem-solvers, Pisa assessment finds

“On an average, boys outperformed girls in the problem-solving tests in all but one of the participating countries – Finland, where girls beat boys emphatically.”

PISA: Finnish kids best problem-solvers in Europe

“Finnish children scored highly enough to finish joint fourth out of OECD countries with Australia in the ranking, which made Finland the highest-performing European country in problem-solving. Ahead of Finland were South Korea, Japan and Canada.”

Singapore, The Straits Times

Singapore students excel in problem-solving, a global study shows

“Singapore’s 15-year-olds don’t just excel in mathematics, science and reading, they are also world beaters when it comes to solving complex and unfamiliar problems, a global study shows.”

Japan, The Asahi Shimbun

Japanese students place 3rd in problem-solving skill testing

“Japanese students ranked third in problem-solving ability as part of testing of the academic competencies of 15-year-olds in 44 countries and regions in 2012, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on April 1.”

Malaysia, http://www.malaysia.msn.com

Malaysia ranks 39 out of 44 countries in problem-solving test for 15-year-olds, says report

“Malaysia once again fared poorly in a world student performance assessment test conducted in 2012, ending up in the bottom quarter among 44 countries – a result that reinforces the concern that the country’s education system is in tatters.”

South Korea, http://www.arirang.co.kr

Korean students best at problem solving: OECD

“Their score, just a point behind Singapore, was the second-highest when taking into account all the 44 participating countries, and the highest among OECD countries.”

Taiwan, The China Post

Taiwan places fourth in math: OECD assessment

“Mathematics remains one of the strengths of Taiwanese students, according to an assessment conducted under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).”

Spain, http://www.thelocal.es

Spain’s schools are failing immigrants: OECD

First the bad news: Spanish school students with an immigrant background performed significantly worse than their ‘native’ peers in the recent PISA test. In fact, there was a 39-point difference in the OECD exam which assesses practical life skills like how to operate a remote control or buy train tickets.

US, http://www.pbs.org

Mixed messages on whether U.S. students will be well-prepared for the workforce

“According to the first report from the Programme for International Student Assessment, or PISA, American students performed just above average on a new, international test of problem-solving skills given to 15-year-olds. Students in Singapore and Korea had the highest average scores, while U.S. students scored similarly to those in Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, England and the Netherlands.”

UK, www.theguardian.com

Students in England perform highly in international problem-solving test

“Students in England have performed higher than average in a key international test to measure problem-solving skills vital to the job market. England came 11th overall, edged out of the top 10 by Singapore, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Shanghai, but outperformed most western rivals.”

Australia, http://www.theaustralian.com.au

Students better at problem-solving than maths, reading or science

“One in six Australian 15-year-olds scored at the highest levels in the tests, compared with the OECD average of one in five, but one in six students also scored at the lowest level and were only able to solve straightforward problems.”

2 responses to “2012 Pisa Creative Problem Solving exam in headlines from around the world

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  2. Pingback: Singapore emphasizes 21st Century Competencies | International Education News

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